Grace Squires.
It has always been about the Story. Stories I have read, watched, heard, remembered. Stories that happened to me, that only happened in a dream, that haven’t happened yet.

‘Doors Close, Doors Open’
“It was a house of many rooms. Which meant it was a house of even more doors. Sometimes the door from the library led to a tropical island or a school room in the throes of an exam. The door from the kitchen might open into a farmers’ market (very convenient) or a Northern Line tube to Morden via Bank (less so). The doors closed and opened according to their own mysterious timetables.” |
Stories connect us: mother to daughter, as a people.
A picture is said to be worth a thousand words. I think this must be true. I am in love with the act of painting, of rendering the thoughts in my head onto paper with colours, patterns and textures.

‘Garden Party’

‘The Perpetrator Of Purples’
I use acrylic paint and dry media (pencils, chalk pastels, charcoal) on panels and canvas.
I create my own monotype prints and use them for collage. Collage may be evident, or it may be used as a textural substrate. There are several layers to the paintings which get submerged or distressed back up to the surface. I see in this a parallel to story-telling.

‘Ice Cream Sunday’

‘Liquorice And Strawberries’

‘The Bs That Were In The Bonnet’

I have been in group and solo exhibitions on the Isle of Man where I lived for several years before moving to Lincolnshire.
You can view my website by clicking on the link below:
I can also be found on Instagram:

‘Might Meet A Mermaid Today’


‘Finding It’

‘Skyscraper Nursery’