
The LAS represent a range of artists covering a multitude of disciplines.

We hope you enjoy browsing through the work.  

 Click on images to take a closer look.  

Some Members are in Featured Artists with their story and art images.

  We hope to add more soon.

Alan Abbey

M A Addison

Laura Andrew

Darren Angove

Lynn Baker

Sharon Sycamore-Batty

New contemporary abstract artist based in Lincolnshire (originally from Coventry).  



Cliff Baxendale

Rosi Baxter






Gillian Beale


John Bearpark

Ellie Benton

Margaret Bird

Phil Bowman

I was born 3 doors from the mainline to Cleethorpes and Smith Clayton forge. The house continually shook. Drawing and Painting required nerves of steel. I work from object,figure and landscape with the aid of abstraction.


Gillian Boyle


Carol Bratley


Barrie Brown

Briarly Jane Brown 

Les Brown

Christine Burnett

Carol Butler

Martin Cameron

Andy Campbell

Lincoln based artist studying with local life and portrait groups. A member of the Nadin Group and now part of the voluntary team supporting the Sam Scorer Gallery. I love to paint and draw, exhibiting when I can locally, searching for the great elusive image that will save the planet.


Emily Cartwright


Hannah Cawthorne

“Hannah is an eclectic semi-figurative to fully abstract painter who works in acrylic and increasingly with collage materials.    Her work uses highly saturated colour to represent strong emotions and the  intensity of the inner life of the mind.”


Karin Christensen

Originally Norwegian and now based in Boston, I love to draw and paint the local landscape and busy market towns of Lincolnshire. A combination of ink drawing and watercolour paint is my preferred medium. I also enjoy travelling to the seaside painting boats and coastal landscapes, perhaps as a memory of growing up in the fjords of Western Norway.



Terry Clarke

Jeff Clarkson

Lynne Corcoran

Roger Corcoran

Jane Cowan

Janet Cox

John Crampin

“Most of my work is carved in stone and the themes are mainly abstract. This work is carved from a piece of Ancaster limestone which  came in the South of the county where it was formed millions of years ago, about 20 miles form my home/studio. It is an abstract sculpture based on plant forms.”


Wendy Dabrowska



Leszek Dabrowski


Simon Davies

I paint primarily in oils and landscapes are my main subject. I also work with watercolour, pen and ink and photography. I moved to Lincolnshire from Sheffield around 20 years ago.


Karen Devereux

Soo Durham


Cilla Eisner

Working with collage and grid structures and processes, my work responds to their mutual relationship through traditional means of drawing and colour, cut paper and low relief. I use photocopied and handwritten text to provide texture and narrative, along with printmaking and photography. I work on paper, stretched canvas and relief.


Annabel Eley


Jennifer Ellicott


Ann Everitt


Joan Freeman


Jaci Gill


Carly Gilliatt

Carly’s paintings, in acrylic and mixed media, reflect the sensory effect of her walks and the transformative power of time spent in nature

Liz Graydon

A love of painting and drawing and the chance to live abroad originally led to an interest in depicting atmospheric landscapes. Mainly oils and watercolour and charcoal drawing. Exhibited in London at The Mall and Menier and galleries in Cyprus and Belgium. Ruddocks prize-winner and other awards Commissions undertaken.


Medina Hammad

I was born and brought up in Middlesex and after attending Chelsea and Newport schools of art completed an MA and PhD registration through DMU. I moved to Lincoln in 1985 become an Artescape Fellow and settled in the region, teaching for 29 years in both further and higher education.

Initially I made sculpture, but  a transition into painting followed, this was mainly to do with a passion for story telling and communication of personal experience. I describe myself as an autobiographical, narrative painter. My anglo-Sudanese background does flavour what I do. I have a strong interest in the exotic and mythological – use of symbol, metaphor and simile run through the output.


Jenny Hammerton

I am a painter/mixed media artist. My work is landscape based. I don’t take photographs but rely on memory and imagination to create abstract images that reflect my connection with that place.
MA Fine Art – Painting, De Montfort University
Postgraduate Diploma in Architectural Decoration, Hornsey College of Art, London
Diploma in Art & Design – Fine Art, Coventry College of Art
Pre-Diploma in Art & Design, Lincoln College of Art


Anne Harris

Lancashire Lass based in Louth, Lincolnshire. I love the challenge of painting landscapes in many mediums, but my first love is Acrylics. Achieved Art O level at 12 years old and took up painting again in 2000 which helped to cope with my terminally ill father. Try and paint everyday and love every minute.


Paul Harrison


Richard Harrison


Richard Hatfield


Denise Hawthorne

Denise works in her Methodist chapel studio a few miles north of Lincoln. A lot of her acrylic landscapes are inspired by different areas of the County but also from travels further afield. Changing light and temperature provide inspiration.


Lesly Holliday


Mike Jackson


Rachel Ashworth-Jerem

I like to consider light, texture, layering and colour on the canvas, and work mainly with a palette knife and acrylic paint. The subject and theme to my artwork to date has focused on my surroundings, my environment, in particular Lincolnshire. More recently I have started to enhance my paintings with figures, to convey life, movement and action.

Pete Johnston


Karina Kaye

I am working across Mixed Media.

My current practice centres on the human body.   Recently, I have taken part in a charity project at St Marks Foundation  to revitalise the hospital environment with my series of works “On the Bright Side” and “Summer Breeze”, depicting stylised, decorative images of nature.


Alison Kemp

Lincoln fused glass artist

My glass art is inspired by the many pictures I take.

I look at the moment in water, sky and sunsets, and try and incorporate that into my work – with the help of glass powder, frit and high firing enamels





David Kenyon

I work mainly in photography where I use the name/brand “Hobden”.




Sally Kheng

My inspiration is the Lincolnshire landscape. I paint in watercolour with the addition of silk, textiles, threads, text and stitch. Bright colours are my passion with dramatic perspective and bold lines. I also paint with acrylic on canvas using my watercolour work as my reference.


Jeanette Killner

I ‘draw’, ‘paint’ and construct using recycled metal cans, wire and other materials, employing a range of techniques. Inspiration generally comes from studying plants and other natural forms.



Janice Kok

I have always loved drawing. I studied for my art degree aged 49, and have exhibited widely since then. Formal issues of composition, colour and form are key to my work. Subjects are varied: narrative, life-drawing but more regularly still-life . Heroes include Matisse, Heron and Kandinsky, Rae and Ayers.

I am also on the Featured Artists page.


Agnieszka Kowalska 

David Lawrence


Paul Letchworth


Graham Lewinton


Jillian Lewis


Angela Lindsley


Lyn Lovitt

Lyn is a Ceramist and Painter and Fellow of the Society of Designer Craftsmen.


Mike Lovitt


Robert Machan

 From age 15, I worked in commerce including timekeeping.   Experienced an epiphany at 22 and went to study at Camden Arts Centre and Camberwell School of Art.   My paintings are in many private collections including Jim Broadbent and Sheffield University.  I occupy a studio at the old Bend in the River Gallery in Gainsborough by the riverside. 


John Margetts


Eve Marshall

My creations are often reflections of nature and wildlife. I take photos of my wanders and then recreate ideas from them using my palette of wools and silks. When creating my artwork I lay out hundreds of layers of wool, silk and other fibres to achieve depth. Then I use a single felting needle to see how much detail I can achieve. I love creating pieces you can lost in. 



Geoff Matthews

My current work mixes painting, collage and text. I also write poetry and make audio and video pieces. Whatever material is to hand (physical, visual and verbal) I let instinct take over and work with a dedicated and playful openness to its possibilities.

‘Inland Brother’— acrylic, collage, and wood lettering on canvas board, 355 x 280 mm. One commentator thought this piece “…has the effect of an Einstein chair.” I like the enigma in that. My response is the title, which is a nod to the nomadic spirit via David Lynch and Caspar David Friedrich.



Edward Mayor

Born in Sheffield in 1947, Edward felt drawn to Lincolnshire from an early age, coming to live in Lincoln almost 35 years ago.
An art historian, he has written books about the Duncan Grant Murals in Lincoln Cathedral, the histories of the Petwood Hotel
and the Kinema in the Woods in Woodhall Spa where he now lives.
He is a trained artist.


Jaq McCaughern


Janis Mitchell


Avril Morris

My work mixes colour memory and, oddly, the tactile quality of thick acrylic paint.

The finished offering might be the end of the journey – a mild gesture of gratitude to my brush or the start of another piece of work – after all, it’s only paint!


David Morris

Originally, my use of watercolour was less of a concern with colour composition than with the furnishing of the drawn line. The paint is now part of the conception with an attempt to remove the feeling that the work starts with drawing and ends with paint as added decoration. 

Martin Moyers

 ” Painting is as much to do with how I spend my time now and what I may become in the future.  

My work is representational with elements of abstraction and invention inspired by walking the Lincolnshire landscape with my wife and dog Rolo.  I recreate landscape as it has been observed at a particular moment in time, attempting visually to capture and extract memories, feelings and sense of place as experienced.

 I enjoy the plasticity of paint, its thickness and thiness, its opaquness and translucency,  its dryness and stickiness and have always found it a challenge in using it to shape imagery, observations and experience.  As a medium it offers infinite possibilities.”



Beverley Nel.

Drawing and painting portraits direct from life has always been my anchor subject.

Whatever the subject, I mainly work in a representational manner, but enjoy exploring the freedom and possibilities offered by using semi-abstraction methodsand a variety of media.  

I also love to develop my drawings and paintings through printmaking processes.  


Elaine O’Donnell


Tony Orvis

After being a member of the Leicester Print Workshop for a few years I decided to set up my own print-making studio at home and that is where I continue to make prints.  A chance introduction then started my interest in pottery.  This led me to exhibiting my work, teaching at Unique Studios Spalding and setting up a pottery at home. 


Sheila Parkinson

Jean Parsons

Mary Perridge

My inspiration comes from mainly the natural world, especially flowers and plants, but also from the shapes, textures and colours, inspired by rocks and crystals. My work encompasses a range of media and subjects from portraits to abstracts. I am largely self-taught and enjoy the occasional worshop.


Szilvia Ponyiczski 

Ann Povey

Fiona Procter



Samuel Randall

Samuel Randall is an artist whose work focuses on the urban environment in the UK. Growing up in Lincoln he became interested in the sights we often ignore as well as the industrial. An interest in the metropolis and how light and colour interacts with it. 


Marie Rayner

Nature and particularly the beauty of flowers is my passion, with a fascination for the shape, texture and range of colours of exotic flowers, which I study and paint in various scales.    Working in graphite pencil, Gouache and acrylic on mainly Arches paper or canvas underlines techniques that are a fusion of technical accuracy and impressionistic style.


Brian Raynor 


Clive Redshaw


Brian Reed

Studied Graphic Design at Lincoln School of Art. Employed as designer in several agencies Became freelance working on Resources for Learning clients. Teaching qualification, teaching art in several colleges, Leeds City College. A colourist, paintings veer towards expressionism in figurative and abstract subjects. Also charcoal and impasto oil pastel.


Mal Reynolds



Joey Richardson

Title: ‘Methuselah’ 
Material :  Sycamore  from HM The Queen’s estate Sandringham and acrylic colours. 
Technique: Turned, carved, pierced, textured and airbrushed with acrylic colours.


Tina Robson


Rachel Rogers

My earliest memories are creating my own illustrations for my favourite stories, I gained a 2:1(Hons) degree in Illustration from the University of Wales in the early 1990’s. Then after a few years away from art, my love affair with it was rekindled and I haven’t put down my paintbrush since!

 I am also on the Featured Artists page.

Barbara Rontree

“ Inspired by travel, my work draws from a sense of place.  I currently use encaustic medium which allows both a painterly and sculptural response.”

Keith Roper


Lee Sass


Peter Slater


Geoffrey Smith


Tracey Smith


Jan Stead

I have worked as a printmaker and artist for over 40 years both in education and from my own studio. A key influence is the world around me. I work in collagraph, lithography, monotype, etching and mixed media. I also make cards and simple folded artistʼs books and keepsakes.

Suzi Stevens

Terence Stevens

Ann Stoker


Jackie Strange


Helena Stylianides

Helena is inspired by the essential in Nature – of plant and animal life, dynamic in their varying shapes and by the abstract forms they inspire.  Working mainly in wood, by improvising and experimenting, the sculpture evolves as a growing thing. Her work encompasses workshops, public and private commissions from small to large scale.

 Helena is also on the Featured Artists page.

Lisa Tank

Andrew Taylor

Marion Taylor

Krisztina Theisler


Letitia Thompson


Spencer Thompson


Dawn Thornhill


Gail Tointon Das


Brian Trotter


Graham Underhill


Rob Vashak


Gill Vines


Kevin Wallhead

As a figurative artist predominately working in the medium of glass and metal my drawings are an alternative to traditional drawing techniques, a method I have developed over the last nineteen years through a natural progression. Experimentation is a very important factor in this progression enabling a continued development.


Eliza Walter


Ian Walter – President 


Sarah Watson


Helen Webber


Moira West


Michael Wilson


Anne Wood

Texture, colour and shapes all come together to create my abstracted paintings about mood and atmosphere. Going beyond reality I like my paintings to reflect the wild side of nature. I work in my studio with oils and cold wax on canvas and panel.

I am also on the Featured Artists page.


Peter Wood

Jane Wright

Beauty, discovery, serendipity, signs that something’s happened; all these things are important to me. I like my pictures to ask questions of the viewer, as they do of me.